A periodontist specializes in preventing, diagnosing and treating periodontal diseases. They are experts when it comes to oral inflammation and specialize in placement of the dental implants. The first thing that a periodontist does is perform an extensive test to check the extent of the damage and then suggest preventive methods for the same. If the periodontal disease is confined to the tooth surface, the primary method of treatment is scaling and root planning. But in cases where the infection reaches deep within, the periodontist usually performs a surgical procedure to remove the damage.
This is required in the advanced stages of the periodontal disease. While the onset of periodontal disease can be checked with proper oral hygiene and dental check-ups, when the non-surgical methods are unable to treat periodontal disease, one needs to undergo periodontal surgery. In this stage, the connective tissue around the teeth is unhealthy and cannot be treated without surgery. Some of the surgical procedures performed extensively include pocket reduction procedures, regenerative procedures, lengthening of the dental crown and soft tissue grafts.