What is Restorative Dental Care?
Restorative dental care includes any procedure that aims to improve your smile so that it will function the way it is supposed to.
These procedures can be used to restore your ability to speak clearly and chew properly, or be used to reinforce a tooth that might otherwise be extracted.
This can also include repairing structural problems, such as filling in gaps from missing teeth, and fixing damaged teeth. Additionally, it can include services like gum therapy and TMJ treatment aimed to improve your overall oral health.
Depending on what oral condition you are struggling with, our dentists at EJC Dentistry can figure out which restorative treatment option is right for you.
Dental Crowns
When a porcelain cap is placed on top of a tooth to restore its function and appearance, this is called a dental crown. These can also be used to attach bridges, cover dental implants, or prevent a cracked tooth from worsening. They can also help to strengthen a tooth after a root canal treatment.
Dental Bridges
A dental bridges is used to replace a section of missing teeth. They are custom-made, and then bonded to either existing teeth on either side of the gap or to dental implants. Because they are custom-made, bridges can blend in with your natural teeth and can restore the contour of your bite.
Dental Fillings
A dental filling is when your dentist uses a tooth-coloured composite to fill a cavity or repair an otherwise damaged tooth. These fillings can be used on front or back teeth, and can withstand pressure from chewing. The process of getting a filling is relatively quick and simple.
Dentures are artificial teeth used to replace one or more missing teeth in a row or a full jaw of teeth. Dentures can help protect your remaining natural teeth, maintain your ability to speak and chew and preserve your facial structure. They can be custom-fit to your mouth and will be made to match your existing teeth
Inlays & Onlays
Inlays and onlays are tooth-coloured porcelain fillings used to repair cavities when the damage to the tooth is too large for a regular dental filling and too small for a full crown. Inlays and onlays are custom-made and permanently bonded to your natural tooth
Root Canals
A root canal treats infection in the pulp at the centre of a tooth. During this procedure, your dentist removes diseased nerves and tissues from the tooth's interior. By removing bacteria and decay, your dentist can stop a tooth infection from spreading and prevent the need for a tooth extraction.
Non-Surgical Gum Therapy
Gum disease can affect the soft tissues of the mouth and if left untreated can lead to serious oral health issues. The most common form of non-surgical gum therapy treatment is scaling and root planing. During this procedure, your hygienist will remove plaque and tartar buildup from the roots of your teeth.
TMJ Disorder Treatment & Neuromuscular Dental Care
If the temporomandibular joint (or TMJ) that connects your jaw to the temporal bones becomes disordered, it can lead to headaches, neck and shoulder pain, jaw pain, and even noises in the ears (tinnitus). The goal of neuromuscular dental services and TMJ treatment is to diagnose and treat these symptoms.